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0405 950 053 08 7225 6514 Level 2/70 Hindmarsh Square, Adelaide SA 5000

The 2020 ‘Goals List’ for Construction Businesses

The New Year brings resolutions, and not just individual promises. January is a wonderful time for construction businesses to set goals, too. Tap into the power of the collective energy to kickstart your year.

If your clientele is still on holidays or easing into start of the year, take this time to position your company for an incredible 2020. Keep track of your process along the way and don’t forget about this once you get busy. The work you do now (and the goals you continue to revamp) will pave the way for constant growth.

Follow this five-step process to achieve your goals.

Step 1: Set your goals

You must create a plan to understand where you’re going (otherwise it’s like implementing structural changes without any pre-reports). Start with a 2019 evaluation and mark the achievements. List the issues you faced, goals that weren’t hit, and any recurring roadblocks. Take a look at important metrics, beyond the financials. This might include number of clients and projects. Look for trends over the past two years, then map out 2020 in quarterly increments. Categorise your goals into finances, clients, skills, accreditation, and team.

Step 2: Improve systems & procedures

After you’ve set your benchmarks, evaluate your systems. What’s working and what’s holding you back? What are you still doing manually that can be automated? How much time do you spend on project management?

It’s a skillset in itself and a part of construction that can’t be ignored. Poor project management can draw out jobs, make administration difficult, and cause safety issues. Go through every project from 2019 with a fine-tooth comb to discover the problems caused by weak project management. Identify ways to make your construction business more productive.

Step 3: Expand your skillset

Listen to your clients and the discussion in public. What are people asking for? Is there a skillset you were unable to provide? Get in the habit of taking notice of the conversations to discover gaps in your offering. Attend networking sessions, speak with your contractors, and don’t be afraid to ask your long-term customers what you can do better. Make a list of the skills, knowledge or accreditation you can work towards in 2020.

Step 4: Sharpen your problem-solving skills

In the construction business, we can’t be rigid. Looking at problems from a creative angle is often the better approach. Find innovative, clever ways to keep projects on-time, clients happy, and everything ticked off when it needs to be. Don’t be afraid to think outside of the box. Note down a few strategies that help you tackle problems.

Step 5: Develop a winning mindset

Check your mindset and investigate your dialogue. Are you starting the year with a defeated attitude? Wasting your energy worrying about competitors? Take the time to re-set your attitude and let your goals be your metric for success, not others. Focus on adding value to your clients, increasing your project size, and annual turnover. Take each day as a chance to improve and grow your business. Create a list of three to five daily habits that’ll help self-regulate your mood and outlook.

To learn more about construction and structural engineering in Adelaide, contact us today or book a free 20-minute consultation.


About the author

Dream Maker;Problem Solver

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