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0405 950 053 08 7225 6514 Level 2/70 Hindmarsh Square, Adelaide SA 5000

This is what makes an engineer a good problem solver

This is what makes an engineer a good problem solver

You probably don’t think of engineers as creative. Yet, we solve all sorts of problems that require an element of creativity. That solution must be quick and easy to implement.

See, engineers are trained to perform under all sorts of pressure. A recent graduate at Solution for Construction remembers his time as a university student. It was during these years that he learned the library of knowledge about the field and how to prioritize tasks.

These learned skills help to develop the characteristics required to work in a complex project. A real-life scenario involving active construction and consulting projects, overlapping with one another, is part of what university prepares young graduates to do.

Students learn time management, multi-tasking, handling expectations, and the importance of communication when working in a team.

Each student has their own responsibilities to a group project. Without every part completed on time and to a high standard, the end result won’t be complete. Engineering graduates quickly adapt to team culture, working independently on the allocated task, briefing their managers about the progress of the task, and raising any concerns.

Whether the client is a Government department, subcontractor, large construction business, builder, tradesman or homeowner, engineers must apply soft skills and creativity (along with specialist knowledge).


In engineering, there’s never one, ‘right’ answer.

As civil engineers, we’re required to create solutions, working under challenging conditions, limited timeframes and within local regulations. Every solution we come to must reflect the realities of the physical world, as well as safety concerns, availability of materials, and, often, a finite budget.

It takes creativity to reach a solution in the midst of these limitations. There’s never one single fix, as every project has its own unique elements. Engineering requires a sense of vision that goes beyond what they can see (although now, this is changing with VR and other technological innovations).

Today, engineers are being called on to solve greater problems than ever before. The modern engineer must be able to synthesize a broad range of disciplinary knowledge while maintaining the problem within view. Engineers and their creativity turn ideas into reality.

Are you looking for a structural engineering team in Adelaide who creatively think outside the box and solve problems? Find out more about how we can save you money on your next renovation project.

Book a free 20-minute consultation.#

About the author

Dream Maker;Problem Solver

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