0405 950 053 08 7225 6514 Level 2/70 Hindmarsh Square, Adelaide SA 5000
0405 950 053 08 7225 6514 Level 2/70 Hindmarsh Square, Adelaide SA 5000


May 2018
HOW A CUSTOM HOME REMODEL CAN ADD VALUE TO YOUR INVESTMENT (AND LIFESTYLE) By Naveesh Sharma In DIY Home Renovation, Planning & Design, Residential Construction With the cost of property rising in Adelaide, more people are opting to invest money in a home extension (before or instead of relocating). A recent home remodelling project we’ve worked on is a house...
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“BUILDINGS ARE NOT MADE TO BE A RISK. MAKE SURE EVERYONE’S SAFETY IS TAKEN CARE OF” Serious workplace injuries or death can change lives forever for everyone involved. Whether it’s friends, family, the community or the business involved, such incidents can result in serious financial losses as well as the lifelong physical and mental impacts...
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If you’re looking to extend your home, create an additional room, or planning to renovate what you already have, a structural integrity inspection is something you should consider to assure the structural condition and integrity of your home. Structural Integrity Inspection for Home Extensions First of all, you will get the opinion of our expert...
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“LET US HELP YOU MAKE THE TRANSITION OF PROJECT HANDOVER REPORT, SMOOTH AND SUCCESSFUL!” Solution for Construction is available to review and prepare your report to ensure there are no gaps or missing documentation. We help guarantee a smooth handover by making sure you meet your project deadline. We handle the filing of documents at...
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